Supporting English-speaking people in France whose lives have been touched by cancer.
Our trained volunteers offer free and confidential support to cancer patients, their carers and their families. Our support continues beyond bereavement.
National News
New Honorary Members elected at our AGM
2 new honorary members of Cancer Support France, Bruce McMaster and Charles Miskin elected.

Cancer Support France began life in 2000 around a kitchen table in the Poitou-Charente. Its founder, Linda Shepherd, was struggling to come to terms with her radiotherapy treatment. A fluent French speaker, Linda found she could not express her deepest fears in a foreign language. She discovered other English-speakers with similar problems and started a regular coffee meeting in her home. She became aware that it was not only the patient who was being affected by the illness and its treatment; partners, family members and friends were struggling too, and were invited to join. With the support of her oncologist, Linda advertised the group to offer support more widely.
Through our website and Forum, we aim to give you access to the information that you may need.