Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality Policy


Confidentiality is one of the foundation stones of any support work. If you approach us in need of our support, we understand that you must be able to trust the person to whom you are speaking. Trust takes time to build up and assuring you of our respect and confidentiality is an important start to building this trust.

Our volunteers follow a Code of Confidentiality and we know that any breaches in this Code, whether it be intentional or otherwise, can do harm, particularly when you are feeling at your most vulnerable.   This Code of Confidentiality includes all forms of communication, whether they be spoken, through email, text, WhatsApp or other social media.

We wish to assure you that any breaches in confidentiality are taken extremely seriously by Cancer Support France.

Responsibility of our Active Listeners

All of our Active Listeners (that is our trained volunteers) receive initial and continuing training about their role and the responsibilities that role brings. As part of their training, they have committed to treat information they receive about you as completely private and confidential. This undertaking continues after your relationship with CSF has come to an end.

Our Active Listener volunteers will explain the Confidentiality Policy to you during their first contact with you and will offer you a copy of the Code.

However, you must be aware that there are some circumstances where information about you and your situation may be shared within the Cancer Support team.  It could be: –

  1. When there are more than one of our volunteers working with you to support you;
  2. When our volunteer needs to consult with another team member in order to obtain guidance on how best to support your particular needs;
  3. When our volunteer needs to consult with another team member for support relating to their own volunteer work. (This will be done anonymously whenever possible.)

Exceptional Circumstances

In addition, there are some exceptional circumstances where it may become necessary to disclose information to a third party. However, we would try, wherever possible, to discuss this with you and gain your consent, prior to disclosure.

These circumstances could be: –

  1. If there is a legal obligation for us to act under French law, for example in a situation of ‘non-assistance à personne en danger’;
  2. If it is required by law or court order.
  3. If you make a formal complaint against a volunteer or the organisation, in response to such a complaint.

In all the above cases, we endeavour to share information anonymously.  Personal information is only divulged where it is strictly necessary.

In addition, to ensure that your personal information is protected as far as possible and to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, Cancer Support France has a Privacy Policy which can be found at Privacy Policy – Cancer Support France

Last updated April 2024