About Cancer - information and support
Cancer Support France does not give any medical advice, however, it can help you to find reliable information and support.

Please Remember
All websites contain far more information than you need in one go! Use them with caution – search for what you need, rather than browsing widely.
And do be aware that many of these sites are English sites, so things may not necessarily happen in quite the same way in France.
Sometimes the treatment you read about may not be available, or may be provided in France in a different way.
Your cancer is unique to you. Your treatment programme will, therefore, be tailored to your needs.
General Cancer Information
(you can find information about specific cancers on our Forum)
Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the UK’s leading cancer research organisation. This is an all-embracing site giving access to up-to-date research results as well as information about different cancers. Access to cancer nurses is also possible. It publishes a regular free newsletter which you can subscribe to on-line, and free leaflets on different cancers which you may download or print off.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Cancer Support is a UK charity working to improve the quality of life for people living with cancer. Their mission is to give cancer patients and their families the up-to-date information, practical advice and support they need to reduce the fear and uncertainty of cancer. Publications are available. Current news and developments in the treatment of cancer are shared. Macmillan provides good information without being hospital specific.
Cancer info
Cancer info is part of the work being carried out by INCa (Institut National du Cancer). This link provides access to a wealth of information for both patients and their families. Although it is mainly in French, translations are gradually being made so that information will eventually be available in English. Cancer Support France has a partnership with INCa.

La Ligue contre le cancer
La Ligue contre le cancer is the largest French cancer support association with over 100 committees across France. They provide information booklets, support groups and have been known to provide small grants to help patients. If you have a problem, and can speak French, then this is always a good source of information. La Ligue also operate a 24 hour telephone support service which can provide advice on many topics as well as someone to talk to. During the day they do try to have someone who speaks English available. The phone no. (local call rate) is 0 810 111 101. Cancer Support France has a partnership with La Ligue.
Cancer Concerns
Specifically concerned with people living in France, Cancer Concerns offers an exchange of experiences, questions and answers. Information about cancer and its treatment is presented.
There is a very useful ‘Health A-Z’ incorporating a health dictionary, symptoms checker, individual conditions, and medicines information at NHS UK.
World Cancer Research Fund
The World Cancer Research Fund is available in English and French. This organisation is devoted to funding research into the prevention of cancer. The website has good nutritional information.

Getting treatment
Treatment in France
Once you are resident in France, your health care will be provided through Ameli (or l’Assurance Maladie). Their website provides comprehensive information in French and they also have an English speaking helpline on 09 74 75 36 46 Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Treatment in the UK
If you are registered and living permanently in France, your rights to treatment under the NHS change. See this link to the NHS here. And for information about health care abroad generally, try here.
Treatment elsewhere in the European Union
EU member states have reciprocal arrangements. Here is a good link to European information.
Documents to download
Cancer Support France also has various documents and publications which are free for you to download. All documents are held on our Forum. (You do not need to be a member of the Forum to download the documents)
The information provided on this page is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician.