Join us and help us do more
We already have a band of dedicated volunteers, fulfilling different roles in Cancer Support France’s Associations, but there never seem to be enough people to be on top of all the things we would like to accomplish. Our National President, Sue Smith says:
“A cancer diagnosis affects not just the patient but their loved ones, carers and friends. Our trained volunteers help hundreds of people every year through this difficult period. Every one of our volunteers gives their time freely, no one in our Associations is paid for their work. You can help us in many ways – by joining as a member and being kept informed of our work and of upcoming events, by organising a fundraising event to support our work or by supporting those with cancer or their carers by becoming one of our trained volunteers.”
We need volunteers for a wide range of activities, including technical and IT roles, and those who understand modern communications methods, such as web, social media and online marketing and branding.
If you have some time to spare, from a few hours a year to a few hours a week, and wish to help support the work of Cancer Support France, please contact us via our Join us page.
Recognising World Cancer Day
Active Listeners are our emotional support volunteers. They undergo a three-day training course organised by CSF (National), the support organisation for the group. This training has evolved over many years and is constantly updated as practices and guidance changes. It is delivered by a team of experienced trainers from different areas of France.
Training is our biggest expense. CSF (National) is prioritising fundraising for this to support our Associations and ensure a common standard of support throughout the country.
Our fundraising activities for 2024 start with World Cancer Day on 4th February, with a number of our Associations organising events. CSF (National) is hosting an online quiz on Sunday 4th February, starting at 2pm and will feature tea, cakes and much more. We hope that many people will join us on that day and donate a small amount, whatever you can afford, to Cancer Support France.
To register for the quiz, or for further information, please email Penny:
Donations can be made at: .
Our Facebook page: ( also has information.
Uniting against cancer on World Cancer Day
The article covered a number of areas, including the role of Cancer Support France, both nationally and at local association level, our activities across the country to celebrate World Cancer Day on February 4th and some personal testimonies from people helped by our associations.
Featured in Etcetera magazine, covering Charente, Haute-Vienne and Vienne, north Dordogne and south Deux-Sevres.
January 2024 edition, pages 12 – 15.
Our plans for World Cancer Day are warming up
Both our National and Local Associations are busy planning events for World Cancer Day.
At National, our online quiz is taking shape. This will be held on 4th February, from 14:00 to 16:00 and will feature the quiz, tea, cakes and much more (you’ll be glad to hear that the tea and cakes will not be virtual).
For more information, or to register for the event, please contact Penny at:
To make a donation, please go to our Alvarum page at:
All donations will be ring-fenced to provide training for our Active Listeners, who are our lifeblood.
There are also more details on our National Facebook page: and in the last news item below this one.
Touchlines - January 2024
Regular Cancer Support France newsletter - Touchlines January 2024.
Cancer Research UK has updated its Mental Health Care and Cancer information
Cancer Research UK has shared how they have updated their information on Mental Health Care and Cancer with one of our Partners, the International Cancer Information Service Group (ICISG). Follow the link here to read the update.
Movember is just round the corner
Movember comes but once a year – and the time is almost upon us; and although this may be the time when we see a lot more gentlemen sporting moustaches of all shapes and sizes, there’s also a lot more to the goings-on during the month as well. Although this is a past event, find out all you need to know about future ‘Movember’ updates at: Movember – Changing the face of men’s health – Movember
Touchlines - October 2023
Regular Cancer Support France newsletter - Touchlines October 2023.
A new poster to advertise ourselves
We have just completed a new poster to advertise ourselves with different media outlets. It includes our new logo and a QR code that takes people direct to our website, together with some other enhancements. Here is a sneak preview of the poster. The first public appearance will be in the next issue of the Connexion, due out in early September.
Ian Salvage – August 2023
2023 Pink October
Every October, the colour pink appears in many villages and towns in France to herald the arrival of Pink October (Octobre Rose), the breast cancer awareness month. The pink ribbon shown is something you will see many people wearing, as well as pink T-shirts; pink posters; pink banners…
Events also run in the whole of France to raise awareness about breast cancer, educate people about risk factors and lifestyle changes, encourage regular breast screening, and raise funds for breast cancer research – causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and possible cures.
Breast cancer awareness provides the preliminary stage for preventing the disease from severely affecting a person’s life.
The charity Breast Cancer Now is encouraging everyone to wear pink on 22 October, this year (2023) to raise money and raise awareness. Although this is a past event, there are many details about future Pink October events at:
Watch out for events happening near you. A good site to gather further information about Octobre Rose is the La ligue webpage here: –
Margaret York – August 2023