Every October, the colour pink appears in many villages and towns in France to herald the arrival of Pink October (Octobre Rose), the breast cancer awareness month. The pink ribbon shown is something you will see many people wearing, as well as pink T-shirts; pink posters; pink banners…
Events also run in the whole of France to raise awareness about breast cancer, educate people about risk factors and lifestyle changes, encourage regular breast screening, and raise funds for breast cancer research – causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and possible cures.
Breast cancer awareness provides the preliminary stage for preventing the disease from severely affecting a person’s life.
The charity Breast Cancer Now is encouraging everyone to wear pink on 22 October, this year (2023) to raise money and raise awareness. Although this is a past event, there are many details about future Pink October events at: https://www.wearitpink.org/about/
Watch out for events happening near you. A good site to gather further information about Octobre Rose is the La ligue webpage here: – https://octobre-rose.ligue-cancer.net
Margaret York – August 2023